• The East Texas Chamber Winds is a 501 c 3 non-profit arts service organization. Contributions for the charitable purposes of East Texas Chamber Winds are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.

    Who should I contact with questions about donations?

    Roy McLerran (roymc09@cs.com)

    When can I donate to the ETCW?

    Through the links provided here music-lovers in the East Texas community are able to contribute to the ETCW year-round, but watch the homepage and our Facebook page for notifications about official fundraisers and opportunities to earn rewards for your generosity. We thank you in advance for your support!

    Why donate?

    The ETCW is proud to provide high quality concerts free to the public. Your donations help cover the cost of renting rehearsal spaces, performance venues, live-streaming services, printing concert programs, Etc.

    What future projects can I support with my donations?

    The ETCW is approaching our 10th anniversary. We would like to make the event extra special with (a) the premiere of a new work for chamber winds, (b) record an album, and (c) launch a summer educational outreach program. Additionally, the ETCW hope to represent the region at another state conference (such as TMEA or TBA) in the coming years.

    Can I make a donation at the concerts?

    Yes, concert attendees may make donations in person at the concerts. Please locate one of the current ETCW board members for assistance. Look for an “ETCW” lapel pin.


ETCW 2018 Winter Concert at SFASU

Select one of the options below to establish a monthly gift and become an ETCW member!

Thank you to our current Solfege Donors!

Re - Christopher Ayer

Brandon and Courtney Beavers

Jennifer Myrick

Fa - Tracy Doss

Rick and Sandi Russell

Ti - Patti and Rod McLerran

  • All ETCW members will receive our newsletter quarterly by email.

    There is no penalty for changing your mind. Solfege Donor commitments may be changed or canceled at any time.


    Do - In return for your gift of $5/month, you will receive a handwritten thank you card from Roy McLerran, your name in the concert program and on the website, and an ETCW sticker for each concert.

    Re - In return for your gift of $10/month, you will recieve the “Do” level items and one Small Donor gift at each concert.

    Mi - In return for your gift of $25/month, you will receive the “Re” level items and one Large Donor Gift.

    Fa - In return for your gift of $50/month, you will receive the “Mi” level items and have your name assigned to the chair of an ETCW performer, to be listed in the concert program.

    So - In return for your gift of $100/month, you will receive the “Fa” level items and receive invitation for private Meet & Greet with performers before concerts with up to one additional guest.

    La - In return for your gift of $250/month, you will receive the “So” level items and be invited to an ETCW rehearsal with up to one additional guest.

    Ti - In return for your gift of $500/month, you will receive the “La” level items and be invited to a catered reception with the ETCW Artistic Director and Board of Directors during concert week with up to one additional guest.

Winter 2023 at Mast Hall


Select one of the options below to make a one-time gift to the ETCW.

  • All corporate sponsors will be listed in the concert program and on the ETCW website for the subsequent season (summer/winter).


    Silver Sponsor - For your gift of $1,000-$2,499, your corporate logo will also be included in all concert press releases and in the ETCW member newsletter for the subsequent concert season.

    Gold Sponsor - For your gift of $2,500-$4,999, you will receive the “silver sponsor” items and also have your logo displayed on the ETCW banner at the concert. You will be invited to a private Meet & Greet with ETCW performers before the subsequent concert (with up to 5 guests).

    Diamond Sponsor - For your gift of $5,000+, you will receive all “Gold Sponsor” items and be invited to a catered reception with the ETCW Conductor and Board of Directors during the concert week (with up to 5 guests).

An enormous thank you to the East Texas families and businesses who have supported us with your generosity! Without you, our art would not be possible.


Sharon Hoover

Jennifer Myrick

Betty Oglesbee

Wade Russell

Mary Ann Sprinkle

Ann Vargas

Charles and Barbara Mitchell

Betty Oglesbee

Dr. John and Sharon Oglesbee


Tracy Doss

Patti and Rod McLerran

Rick and Sandi Russell

Jan and Terri Wubbena


Commercial Bank of Texas

Shelby Savings Bank


Michelle Basaldua

Caston Family

Corrie Bird

Pj Dejesus

Mary Jean Haley

Kimberly Herman

Walter Key

Daniel Mesa

Sharon and Charles Pollard

Bob Roper

Jill Torres


Fred J. Allen

Charles and Sharon Bradberry

Robert and Karen Carnochan

Millie Fackleman

Marshburn Family

Talona Olson